Particle Physics Tools for Gravitational Waves

Room 7S1 (Cosmology Hall)
The direct detection of gravitational waves (GW) by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration opened a new era. To unleash the full power of current and future GW detectors, we must advance our theoretical predictions to the corresponding precision. Research in particle physics usually focuses on applying fundamental structures to enhance the precision of theoretical predictions. In this talk, I will give an overview on how modern tools from particle physics can also be applied to GW physics. I will also show the state-of-the-art results in Einstein gravity obtained from these methods. The new results are of interest to improving the waveform models for current and future GW experiments.
Chia-Hsien Shen is an assistant professor at National Taiwan University and an Yushan Young Fellow. He has broad research interests in high-energy physics and quantum field theory. In particular, he applies scattering amplitudes and effective field theory methods to a wide range of phenomena, which include physics beyond the Standard Model, gravitational waves at the precision frontier, and cosmology.