New Techniques for Ultra-Light Dark Matter

Room 7S1
Ultra-light dark matter field oscillations in the late Universe imprint distinctive marks on interferometers and pulsar-timing data. These depend on the details of the dark matter model, for instance its spin and interactions with the Standard Model. In this talk I will review new techniques and methods to extract a putative ultra-light dark matter signal from gravitational wave detectors and pulsar-timing data. In particular, I will focus on (a) a Bayesian method for populations of binary pulsars; (b) a machine-learning-based technique to extract the dark-matter signal from binary pulsar orbital perturbations; (c) the signatures of ultra-light dark matter on gravitational wave interferometer data. If time allows, I will also review recent results on simulations of halo formation with ultra-light dark matter of spin 0, 1 and 2.
Federico Urban is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. He obtained his PhD at University of Ferrara, Italy, and then held postdoc positions in Vancouver, Brussels and Estonia. He is an expert in cosmology and high-energy astroparticle physics.