Pisin Chen Wins EPS Hannes Alfven Prize

Pisin Chen has been awarded the 2023 Hannes Alfven Prize of the European Physical Society (jointly with Jamie Rosenzweig and Chandrashekhar Joshi) for "proposing, demonstrating, and conducting ground-breaking experiments on plasma wake field accelerators".
The citation of the award states that "Prof. Pisin Chen is regarded as the inventor of plasma wake field accelerators (PWFA) and played a key role in the theoretical development of the PWFA principle, energy transfer and beam loading, and plasma lenses at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the 1980s. The extreme gradients and energy gains obtainable from PWFAs was a pathbreaking innovation at the energy frontier, and the extreme focusing with plasma lenses was a pathbreaking innovation at the luminosity frontier. He led an experiment at SLAC that successfully demonstrated the plasma lens principle as predicted."
The award ceremony was held in Bordeaux, France, on July 3, 2023, where Prof. Pisin Chen received the prize and delivered a speech.