Baumann Delivers Wright Colloquium

Daniel Baumann delivered a public talk on "The Power of Symmetry" at the Wright Colloquium in Geneva.
The Wright Colloquium is a week-long event held every two years at the University of Geneva. Each time, five speakers are invited to speak on a chosen theme. This year the theme was "Symmetry" and the invited speakers were Jean-Philippe Uzan, Daniel Baumann, Yasmine Amhis, Edmund Copeland and Enrico Coen. Recordings of the talks can be found here.
Baumann took on the challenging task of describing the role of symmetry in fundamental physics.
Starting with the classical spacetime symmetries of Einstein's theory of relativity, Baumann went on to describe how hidden quantum symmetries underly the stability of matter and dictate the fundamental forces. He also highlighted the importance of symmetry breaking to account for all of the complexity in the world around us.